This page contains several examples of the tpg_get_posts shortcode with modifications. When called without options it will list the most recent 5 posts in reverse chronological order, that is newest to oldest.

For the examples, the cat option has been included to select items from the test posts. It can be omitted.

filtered by category=flowers

[tpg_get_posts cat="flowers" field_classes="" more_link="more-link test-class"]

At Agecroft Hall, I noticed this tiny flower in the early spring.

On a walk in Durres, I found this beautiful flowering bush.  And this text has been added to test the more-link. (read more…)

My gladiolas bulbs seldom disappoint. To me they signal that the cold weather is gone for a few months and it’s time to turn on the air conditioner.

SAMSUNGShrimp plant – image is embedded in post and no featured image is set.

filtering only posts with the tag “travel.”

[tpg_get_posts tag="travel" ]

At Agecroft Hall, I noticed this tiny flower in the early spring.

On a walk in Durres, I found this beautiful flowering bush.  And this text has been added to test the more-link. (read more…)

SAMSUNGShrimp plant – image is embedded in post and no featured image is set.

filtering only posts with the tag “travel” with offset.

Use the wp_query offset to skip the first post with a tag “travel”. This is the same as the previous example, but offset by 2.

[tpg_get_posts tag="travel" offset=2 ]

SAMSUNGShrimp plant – image is embedded in post and no featured image is set.

Showing Excerpt

[tpg_get_posts tag="travel" show_excerpt="true" ]

Excerpt: At Agecroft Hall….

excerpt: in Durres …..found this

SAMSUNGShrimp plant – image is embedded in post and no featured image is set.